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Hope at Christmas (2018)

Ocena: 5.5 od 2 glasova

November 30, 2019 - Filmovi Romance (2:00:00) od: Alex Wright

Uloge: Scottie Thompson, Ryan Paevey, Erica Tremblay, Colleen Winton, Jan Bos, Juliana Wimbles, Chris Shields, Dakota Guppy, Shelby Armstrong, Nelson Wong

Žanr : Filmovi Romance

Režiser : Alex Wright

Trajanje : 2:00:00

IMDb link IMDb

Pregleda : 3,282

Svidjanja : 2

Sydney Ragsdale (Thompson), recently divorced, decides to spend Christmas in a house she inherited with her young daughter. As Sydney begins to spend more time at the local bookstore, she ...

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